
ねば〜る君とは? 茨城県を代表する納豆の妖精キャラクター ~いばらき魅力発信隊、全国納豆協同組合連合会公認~ ねばねばTVとは? お笑いバラエティーチャンネルです。 みんなを笑わせて元気にしたい! 大人から子供まで楽しく学べる動画を配信したい! そして 世界中の人々に日本の文化や魅力を知ってもらいたい! そんな思いから生まれた【ねばねばTV】 ねばーるくんが趣味のアウトドアをのびのび楽しんでいる動画チャンネルはこちら↓ ★ねばーるくんアウトドア★ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7F4k3FyD9yT6Cy_WYKevjQ A very famous Japanese character is "Nebaaru-kun(fairy of natto)" we'll introduce in detail for those who do not know him and this channel. So, what is "Nebaaru-kun" and "nebaneba TV" ? "Nebaaru-kun" is a famous character with a motif of "natto" representing Japanese food culture then, "ambassador of natto" then, he works activities to convey the appeal of Ibaraki Prefecture. This is a Comedy variety show And broadcast every day! He wanna make everyone smile, and then people all over the world to know about Japanese culture and Japan so, we gonna continue to sending the charm of Japan!
